Editorial Regulations |
Article 1: Purpose of the Regulations |
1.1 These regulations set out the rules and guidelines for the management of the editorial board of the Journal of Music and Human Behavior. They specify matters concerning the purpose, criteria, and term of office of the editorial board members. |
Article 2: Duties of the Editorial Board |
2.1 Pursuant to the constitution of the Korean Music Therapy Education Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”), the editorial board shall be responsible for the overall direction and management of the journal. 2.2 The editorial board shall review and provide feedback on submitted papers. |
Article 3: Criteria for Selecting Members of the Editorial Board |
3.1 The members of the editorial board shall be experts in the field of music and human behavior, with preference given to full-time instructors or professors. 3.2 The members of the editorial board shall be selected based on their qualifications, experience, and ability to contribute to the journal. They should have published at least five papers in a national academic journal in a related field and at least one academic book. |
Article 4: Composition and Term of the Editorial Board |
4.1 The editorial board of the Journal of Music and Human Behavior shall consist of a minimum of six members, including the editor-in-chief. 4.2 The selection of members for the editorial board shall be based on their suitability and qualifications according to the selection criteria established by the Korean Music Therapy Education Association. Candidates shall be chosen from those who are registered with the National Research Foundation of Korea and possess exceptional accomplishments in research and related activities in their field. 4.3 The editor-in-chief of the editorial board shall be chosen from among the eligible standing directors who meet the selection criteria established by the association. 4.4 The editor-in-chief of the editorial board shall be responsible for overall editorial tasks and management of the board. 4.5 The selected members of the editorial board shall receive the endorsement of the board of directors and shall be appointed by the editor-in-chief. 4.6 The term of office for the editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board shall be 2 years and may be extended by being offered and approved by the board of directors. 4.7 In the event of a vacancy on the editorial board, a new member shall be appointed within 3 months of the date of the vacancy. 4.8 A former member of the editorial board whose term has expired may continue to perform their duties until a new member is appointed to take their place. 4.9 In order to ensure continuity of the editorial board, no more than half of the total members will be replaced at one time. |
Article 5: Duties of the Editorial Board |
5.1 The editorial board shall be responsible for the overall management and direction of the Journal of Music and Human Behavior, including developing and enforcing submission and review regulations, communicating the recommendations of the review committee members, and supervising the review process. 5.2 The editorial board shall be responsible for formulating and amending regulations pertaining to its own operations, the review of submitted papers, and the formatting of published papers. 5.3 The editorial board shall review all submitted papers that meet the journal’s submission criteria and shall recommend potential review committee members to the editor-in-chief for appointment. 5.4 The editorial board shall make the final decision regarding whether to publish a reviewed paper in the Journal of Music and Human Behavior. 5.5 The editorial board shall be responsible for all matters related to the editing and management of the Journal of Music and Human Behavior. |
Article 6: Meetings of the Editorial Board |
6.1 The editorial board shall hold regular meetings, which shall be attended by the editor-in-chief, board members, and staff. 6.2 Regular meetings of the editorial board shall be held at least once a year, in accordance with the publication schedule of the Journal of Music and Human Behavior. 6.3 Meetings may be additionally summoned at the request of a member of the editorial board. 6.4 Matters for decision shall be decided by majority vote of the members in attendance, unless otherwise governed by these regulations. 6.5 If the editor-in-chief or other members of the editorial board submit papers to the Journal of Music and Human Behavior during their term of office, they shall be excluded from the review process of those papers to ensure fairness. . |
Article 7: Additional Matters |
7.1 Matters not specified in these regulations shall be decided by the editorial board through a meeting and reported to the board of directors in accordance with established practices and procedures. |
* These regulations were originally adopted on October 1, 2010, and have been amended on June 1, 2014, March 1, 2015, and September 1, 2017. |